National Cadet Corps

National Cadet Corps (NCC)
The NCC aims at developing character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, the spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service amongst young citizens. Further, it aims at creating a pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with leadership qualities in all walks of life, who will serve the Nation regardless of which career they choose. Needless to say, the NCC also provides an environment conducive to motivating young Indians to join the armed forces.
At present, there are two wings of NCC functioning at B. Borooah College viz. 1 Assam BN NCC Unit (Army Wing) and 48 Assam Naval Unit (Naval Wing). The Enrolment strength of the Naval wing is 100 cadets while Army wing have a strength of 54 cadets.. It is noteworthy that the naval unit is not merely confined to the students of B. Borooah College, it serves as an open unit. The cadets of both the wings are very active and dynamic. They actively took part in different camps organized by the units and got awarded with medals, trophies and token of appreciation. Apart from their camp activities, they also take part in various functions and activities organized by B. Borooah College like Admission, Freshman Social, College Week, Foundation Day, College Election, Republic Day, Independence Day etc.

In charge:
Naval Wing: Dr. Jugesh Pegu, ANO, 48 Assam Naval Unit NCC
Army Wing: Miss Nijara Konch, CTO, 1st Assam BN NCC

Past ANO’s/CTO’s
Army Wing: Dr. Dhanjit Deka, CTO (1/9/2016 to 02/02/2021)
Dr. DhaneswarKalita, ANO (………… to 30/8/2016)

The following yearly camps have been attended by the selected cadets of both the wing
1. Combined Annual Training Camp (CATC)
2. Basic leadership Camp (BLC)
3. Pre-Republic Day camp (PRDC)
4. Advanced Leadership camp (ALC)
5. National Integration Camp (NIC)
6. Republic Day camp (RDC)
7. Hiking and trekking camp.
8. Social service Camp (SSC)
9. Independence day camp (IDC)
10. Course at Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, Darjeeling.
11. Para Troopers camp
12. Sea Attachment Camp to regular (SAC)
13. Nau-SanikCamp (NSC)
14. Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Camp (EBSB)

HighestAchievements of the NCC Cadets: - (last 5 years)
1. SUO Juri Das and SUO Subham Singh of 1stAsam BN NCC unit of B Borooah College have represented India in Youth Exchange Programme (YEP) at Kazakisthan and Bhutan in the year 2019 and2020.
2. SUO Subham Singh of 1st Assam BN NCC unit of B Borooah College has been awarded with prestigious BirChilaray Award conferred by Govt. of Assam in the year 2020.
3. Cadet Raj Chetry of 1st Assam BN NCC unit of B Borooah College has been awarded with 2nd best cadet from Army wing in the Republic Day Camp in 2020 held at New Delhi, India
4. The 48 Assam NavalUnit of B Borooah College has got 1st Rank in March Past in the Republic Day parade held at Khanapara organized by Govt. of Assam.
5. SCC SohailQureshi of 48 Assam Naval Unit of B. Borooah College had won silver medal in Boat Pulling during NauSainik Camp held at Karwar, Karnataka in 2018.
6. SCC SohailQureshi of 48 Assam Naval Unit of B. Borooah College was honored with DG’s appreciation award in maiden Lachit-1 Brahmaputra Sailing Expedition organized by NER in 2019.

No. of “C” Certificate Holders-1 Assam Bn Unit (2014 onwards):

SL. NO. BATCH No. of Cadets Passed
1. 2014-2017 05
2. 2015-2018 03
3. 2016-2019 03
4. 2017-2020 05
5. 2018-2021 On- going Batch

No. of “B” Certificate Holders -1 Assam Bn Unit (2015 Onwards):

SL. NO. BATCH No. of Cadets Passed
1. 2015-2018 10
2. 2016-2019 12
3. 2017-2020 10
4. 2018-2021 14
5. 2019-2022 On- going Batch

Name of cadets of B. Borooah College attending prestigious Republic Day Camp (2017 onwards):
1. Suo. RupakChoudhary (Army)-2017
2. L. CdtUdiptaBaruah (Navy)-2017
3. Suo. RangrundaoBathari (Army)-2018
4. Uo. Biswajit Das (Army)-2018
5. Suo. Juri Das (Army)-2019
6. Suo. Shubham Singh (Army)-2019
7. CC Manorama Das (Navy)-2019
8. CC Pappu Das (Navy)-2019
9. CC KoushilMedhi (Navy)-2019
10. SCC SohailQureshi(Navy)-2019
11. Suo. Raj Chetry (Army)-2020
12. Uo. SanjuMudoi (Army)-2020
13. L CdtPoragJyotiDeka (Navy)-2020
14. PO SukhdeepKaur (Navy)-2020
15. L CdtAditiUpadhyay (Navy)-2021

Name of cadets of B. Borooah College that took part in distinguished All India Thal/NauSainik Camp:
1. Uo. Bhanita Ray (Army)-2017
2. Suo. Shubham Singh (Army)-2018
3. SCC SohailQureshi (Navy)-2018
4. Uo. Chandru Kr. Thapa (Army)-2018
5. CC Manorama Das (Navy)-2018
6. Cdt. RuhiBaral (Army)-2019
7. PO Rajdeep Sharma (Navy)-2019
8. PO SaanjuPegu (Navy)-2019
9. PO SK Mohammad Eyahia (Navy)-2019

Placement: -
1. Sri Biki Das, Indian Air force
2. Sri Bhanita Ray, Delhi Police
3. ShyamChetry, Singapore Merchant Navy.
4. Manabjyoti Barman, Govt. of Assam. Assam Police Battn.
5. DeepjyotiLahkar, Govt. of Assam. Assam Police Battn.
6. DipankarDeka, Govt. Of Assam. Govt. of Assam. Assam Police Battn.
7. Nikunjo Govt. Of Assam. Govt. of Assam. Assam Police Battn.
8. ManuranjanDas , Govt. Of India, CRPF.
9. Capt. DipjyotiDeka, 14 Bihar Regiment
10. Lt. R. K. Devendra Singh, 11 Kumaon Regiment
11. Inspector ApuBiswas, Customs & Central Excise
12. Newton Hira, Intelligent Bureau

College Activities performed by Cadets (Last 5 Years)
29/9/2016-Tree Plantation Programme
7/11/2016- Cancer Awareness Programme
27/11/2016-NCC Day Celebration
26/1/2017-Republic Day Celebration
5/3/2017-Swach Bharat Abhiyan
5/6/2017-Environment Day
15/8/2017-Independence Day
18/9/2017-Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
26/11/2017-NCC Day Celebration
01-10 Jan, 2018-Swachata PakwadaAbhiyan
26/1/2018-Republic Day
21/6/2018-International Yoga Day
15/8/2018-Independence Day
23/9/2018-Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
27/11/2018-NCC Day
26/1/2019-Republic Day
27/3/2019-Tree plantation Programme
17/6/2019-AIDS awareness Programme in collaboration with Red Ribbon Club
15/8/2019-Independence Day
28/11/2019-Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
3/12/2019-NCC Day celebration
26/1/2020-Republic Day
8/2/2020-Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
18/3/2020-Awareness programme on Covid 19
15/8/2020-Independence Day
27/11/2020-NCC Day Celebration
26/1/2021-Republic Day

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