Right To Information

B. Borooah College, being public authority as defined in Section 2(h) and in pursuance of provisions of Section 4 (1) (b) of Right to Information Act, 2005, hereby makes available the information, through its Website, to enable the citizens to access the information under the control of the College, so as to promote transparency and accountability in the working of such authority.

It is hoped that the information put under the public domain through BBC Website would help citizens to access information through the electronic mode, thereby avoiding, to the extent possible, the inconvenience of asking formally for such information as may be already open to them. While compiling the information, due care has been taken to present it as accurate as possible. However, if any mistake has crept into due to inadvertence, it is subject to correction.

Public Authority
B. Borooah College

List of PIOs:

  1. Principal, is the Appellate Authority of the College.
  2. Vice-Principal, is the Principal Information Officer of the College.
  3. The fee prescribed for filing an original application i.e. Rs. 10/- and other fee for obtaining the information may be deposited by way of demand draft or bankers cheque or Indian Postal Order in favour of 'The Vice-Principal, B. Borooah College' payable at Guwahati.

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